UFO’s and Odd Ramblings

Back in Gulu and readjusting to the constant noise and the oddities of place.  When I was burglarized I re-arranged my room in a not very Feng Shui way to thwart anyone else who thought they might reap the rewards of using a 20-foot pole to  explore my room.  I haven’t liked it since, nor have I slept particularly well.  There are lots of reasons for that – noise being at the top of the list.  Noise, mice, strange vibes – take your pick.  So this weekend, I re-arranged it again and again I like sleeping there.   Still, when I awake in the night, I am dis-oriented, and wonder where I am.  I thought I’d get over this, but it lingers.  

Anyway,  few nights ago I awoke at 5:30 AM when it is still pitch black outside and inside.  But this time, there were interesting little sparkles that looked for all the world like I was outside looking up at the night sky.    For a minute I thought it was just an ocular trick – like when you bend over and come back up quickly and the extra oxygen in your blood stream causes you to see sparkles.  Nothing like that happening here.   So I began to look around and what emerged was a faint, but perfectly discernible  image of what I can only describe as a UFO.   (The image to the left is as close as I could find, though mine was dark). For old Star Trek fans that would be “partial cloaking.”  Large – no fancy lights.  No beaming me up.  Just hanging out.  I continued to study this for about 10 minutes and it never varied. 

Shirly McClain, in her book Out On A Limb, talked about an identical experience in Machu Pichu. While staying in a tiny shed of a room, the ceiling became transparent and she could see a very clear UFO through the ceiling.   One of my sons had the same experience when he was about 5 years old and too young to even KNOW about UFOs.   It wasn’t a Mefloquin Dream (giant beetle in that one…) But more importantly, it wasn’t a dream.  Anyway – something to ponder.  It got me to wondering about any other sightings in Uganda and there have been a few, but none very well documented.  Gee – do you think someone may “beam me up?”   Just let me get my year in – so I can get RPCV status – that is if they return me.   

In other news, there are more random tales coming in from other PCVs.  The one that takes the prize comes from a young woman riding one of the infamous buses Iyou’ve heard so much about.  Shortly after a “short call” stop where her seat mate did not avail himself of the facilities, he proceeded to whip out his penis and pee in a water bottle.  As if that weren’t offensive enough, he then proceeded to open his window and pour it out as the bus is traveling at about 70, thereby blowing the substance back up on passengers behind him.    Then there is my dear friend (you know who you are) who was bitten on the hand by some unknown insect I suppose and her hand swelled to twice its size.  A Dutch doctor who happened to be on  hand prescribed antihistamines, so she dutifully took them every  4 hours, but in changing purses and backpacks, mistakenly substituted taking three Mefloquin tablets within a few hours instead of antihistamines.  We take Mef once a WEEK and still there are side effects.  It acts on the nervous system and has all manner of wicked side effects:  anxiety, sleeplessness. sometime schizophrenia, mood swings.  As if life weren’t already loaded with opportunities for calamity, we often sabotage ourselves when trying to take care of ourselves.  For example, in my effort to hide things from a would be burglar, I end up hiding them from myself.  Still looking for my US bank card and when we have electricity during the day, I will probably find it.  Also,  I’ve developed a itchy rash on my neck so slathered myself with hydro-cortisone cream. In my somnambulistic state of this morning, having wakened several times with itching during the night, I proceeded to brush my teeth with the stuff and didn’t realize it until my lips felt numb.   Well – at least my mouth doesn’t itch…

And the band plays on…  I do love this marching band.  They are very earnest and proud and so terribly out of tune – it’s endearing. 

It’s a busy week at work.  More massive organization is taking place between final reports due for our funding.  Folks from Holland are in town to see what we are doing.  Everything is due at once, and of course there is no power and no fuel to run the generator.  Ah – Uganda.

But power has just come back on in the last few minutes and it seems I will sleep with a fan tonight.  No – not that kind of fan…  but hope springs eternal 😉