Having survived another bout of high winds driving through the deserts of New Mexico, Arizona and southern California, Hissy Fit is ready to go north on the assumption that winds will either be a head-wind or a tail wind.  Had Hissy has a sail to raise, we’d have been on a good broad reach across the southern quarter of the US, but also she is confined to terra-firma and has to cope.    

Had a fine visit with my PC friend, Betty, whom I’ve not seen since Uganda.   Scottsdale is lovely and has a new Museum of the West called Western Spirit and it was really amazing, tracing – through art – the quest of Lewis and Clark and housed enough spurs and chaps to outfit several rodeos.  One interesting piece was an art wall with a painting of a horse standing in the desert.  The upper half of the painting was on the wall, while the lower half was perpendicular to it on the floor.  Standing in the just the right spot, it looks three dimensional.     The horse, un-bothered by our presence, never missed a nibble, much like his two human friends.

 But I’m getting ahead of myself… first, I had to get there.  Once again, wind – the worst of the trip.  This time Hissy Fit was bouncing.  And I was exhausted fighting lift-off when out of the corner of my eye, I spotted a huge dust cloud and – what?  Yes, this huge Chinook helicopter was landing in the middle of nowhere, which turned out to be Indio, CA.   Pulling over to investigate, my next discovery was the General Patton Museum, a yard full of military tanks and an enormous Gem Warehouse.   It called my name and several pounds of rocks later, I was back on the road.   As much as I have gotten rid of on this trip, I have also collected – lovely gifts from friends:  a painting of me reading to the Ugandan village kids, a 125-year old rice sifting basket, snacks for the road, a flat screen TV,  and then of course I’ve purchased a year’s supply of dried Hibiscus flowers for Jamaica tea, Mexican Chocolate, soap from Spain….  It’s time to go home.  Hissy Fit and I have both gained weight.

I can see why people fall in love with Arizona.  The desert was beautiful and the assortment of cacti was mind-boggling.  Coming into Phoenix there were Octilo Cacti and sunshine-yellow Palo Verde trees in full bloom. 

Flowers were everywhere; fledgling mockingbirds noisily begged for food on the side walk as we had morning coffee and cotton-tail bunnies darted out of bushes and across lawns to entertain us with what must have been a mating-ritual I’d not seen before.  Me-thinks jackrabbit rituals may not have been as sweetly endearing.   Next, Los Angeles to visit dear friends I’ve known since before Travis was born.  What was supposed to be a 6 hour trip took 8-plus because of LA rush-hour traffic.  There’s a reason they made a movie with that title…  It makes people crazy. 

Thank god for a Garmin which announces in a sweet, never frustrated voice: “Be in one of the four right lanes,” then “take the exit to the left  then stay right….”   She never says: “You missed the exit, stupid.”  because she thinks ahead – even offers pictures for the directionally challenged among us – and that would be me.  What a love.

Visited my old street in Redondo Beach and saw the changes made to the little 900 sq. foot house we bought for $86,000 in 1979.  It is now “worth” close to $1,000,000.   Hmmmmm…   Somehow appropriately, Pat and Charlie took me to Trump’s resort where we had coffee and looked over the fabulous coastline before heading to the Glass Church Having eaten my way through LA, it’s time to backtrack to La Quinta for other Peace Corps friends, where there will be more eating. 

Good thing I bought the trucker’s version of a US Atlas at the used book store.  It has weight and height restrictions for every state.  I think I don’t have to worry about height, but may be reaching the weight limit.   There will be lots of walking and eating of cardboard and water when I get home.    But that’s another few days.   Have decided to take the scenic route up California to Oregon, taking Hwy 395 as opposed to I-5 avoiding the cities where possible – seeing more desert and skirting Mt. Whitney in the process.    

Nancy’s Epic Road Trip is winding down.  Thanks for staying tuned for anyone still reading.  Please drop me a note and let me know what’s happening in your lives.