Re-configuring the Puzzle of Me in Uganda

Re-printed from stories November 3, 2021 By Nancy Wesson Nov. 3, 2021 When I talk about my Peace Corps experience, people are often surprised to learn I entered at the age of 64. When most of my friends were planning for retirement, I was packing water purifiers, solar chargers, and a French press to … Read more

We’ve been “sleeping around.” Zanzibar and COS

I’ve been sleeping around….   Now that I have your attention, I’m baaack from “sleeping around,” the Ugandan expression for having been traveling and sleeping somewhere else…So yes, I’m happy to say I’ve been “sleeping around” in the wonderful world of sand and sea, blue waters, seafood, fresh breezes, pina-coladas, shopping and reading under the … Read more

No News is Good News?

This comes to you from the exciting cement confines of a windowless-single-with-a-fan room at the Annex, my home away from home when in Kampala.  I’m here for my second crown (no not the one that comes with jewels) courtesy of Uganda and Peace Corps.  At least this time I was able to get in to … Read more

It is Finished…

Following a late return from the workshop in Kampala, I had just enough time to do hand laundry and pack for another few days at All Volunteer meetup (known as AllVol) in Kitgum at the Y.Y. Okot school for Girls, where both students and staff, families included, live. Therefore there was always a gaggle of … Read more

Acholi Land: First Glimpse

Contrary to some rumors about my absence over the last two weeks or so, I have not been eaten, mauled by tigers or carried off into the bush.  I’ve been off in Acholi Land for Language Immersion and a Future Site Visit to use PC terms (translate as Peace Corps terms – I quit worrying … Read more