No News is Good News?

This comes to you from the exciting cement confines of a windowless-single-with-a-fan room at the Annex, my home away from home when in Kampala.  I’m here for my second crown (no not the one that comes with jewels) courtesy of Uganda and Peace Corps.  At least this time I was able to get in to … Read more

Frog Strangler

rips out of Gulu are always an adventure, but I am once again reminded of the sailing adage: If you add your most hideous days and your most exquisite and the average is zero, you’ve had a fabulous trip.  Starting with the walk to the bus, this score came in at a resounding negative whose … Read more

Random Acts of Kindness

Hi folks – Happy Mother’s Day!  Sitting in a web-cafe in Kampala and have – at long last – been able to get sufficient internet connectivity to upload some new pictures.  These are of the Gulu house, accessed through this heavy gate, which is locked at night.  I know some of you are picturing me … Read more

The Mouse Who Prefers Dark Chocolate…

“We have a mouse,” the text from my housemate says…. “Have you named it?”  I reply. “Skid.” “Did you or did he – skid, that is?” I asked.   At the time I was half-way through my first solo bus ride back to Gulu.  I mention “solo” because I had been dreading this – we all dread travel.  … Read more