An Eclipse before Leaving: Ring of Fire

It’s 4:30 AM on the next to last night in Gulu.  I’ve been awake since 1:30 – the pre-leaving middle of the night “what-ifs” have jolted me awake.  Last night I dreamed I was at the airport and not one, but two groups of little Ugandan school kids had taken all the seats available on … Read more

More on the topic of roller-coasters….

Aaaah – the Roller Coaster Ride of Emotions is always right at the back door waiting for – no – grabbing – passengers.  Just about the time you think you’ve acclimated to a new way of doing things, of living, of thinking the weird has become normal and you’ve become somewhat inured to  heartbreaking sights … Read more

A Slightly Tilted Universe

2013 is a different year – the planet feels tilted a bit more than usual.  During most of my life I recall transiting the shift from one year to the next without so much as a blink.  Life merged seamlessly from one year to the next, punctuated by Christmas and New Year’s Celebrations; then the … Read more

Life Gets Complicated…

It’s been waaaay too long since I posted, that is if you’re interested in what’s happening.  If you’re getting bored with this – maybe not 😉   As I’ve said before, the odd and unusual has become the mundane, though one never completely gets used to things.  Just about the time you think you’ve adapted, … Read more