Orienting Archives - Nancy Wesson Consulting https://nancywesson.com/tag/orienting/ Thu, 15 Jul 2021 22:52:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.5.3 https://nancywesson.com/wp-content/uploads/2021/04/cropped-Nancy-Wesson-Icon1-32x32.png Orienting Archives - Nancy Wesson Consulting https://nancywesson.com/tag/orienting/ 32 32 The Magic of the Bagua to Create Balance https://nancywesson.com/divorce-qa-balance-and-the-bagua/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=divorce-qa-balance-and-the-bagua Sun, 30 Mar 2008 20:37:00 +0000 https://nancywesson.com/?p=1038 By Nancy Wesson Reclaimed and updated from Divorce360  February 2008 I’m newly divorced and trying to choose a house based on the Feng Shui model, but am confused about the Feng Shui map.  I want to create a sense of balance in my new life and I hear that the choice of a floor plan ... Read more

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By Nancy Wesson

Reclaimed and updated from Divorce360  February 2008

I’m newly divorced and trying to choose a house based on the Feng Shui model, but am confused about the Feng Shui map.  I want to create a sense of balance in my new life and I hear that the choice of a floor plan can make a difference.

Put Your Floor Plan to Good Use

You’re correct. Feng Shui is based on the understanding that our home environment influences the way life unfolds. The layout of a house matters partially because it relates to the efficiency and flow of the space. It’s also important for all of the nine Feng Shui life domains to be represented in the floor plan, though corrections can be made.

All of that said, if you find a place that feels good and that you love, you can change the balance and flow of the physical space through the use of Feng Shui adjustments. Those include furniture arrangement, ergonomics, symbolism, color, and light – to list a few.

Staying Centered

In addition, life feels more centered and is less likely to be derailed when there is balance among these aspects. A square or rectangular floor plan is ideal because all nine life areas are represented. In western schools of Feng Shui, the map (Bagua) is oriented to the architectural front door, not compass direction.   If the shape of the house is a square or rectangle the map would look like the map below. Just remember, the areas are energetic, not defined by interior wall placement.

When speaking of floor plan, you’re concerned with the actual footprint of the house and what falls under the roofline of the property.   (And yes—the garage counts, to answer a question I am frequently asked.) If one or more of these areas is missing, it can influence not only the way the house feels, but also the way life flows.  If you know this going in, you can make the adjustments before moving in and pre-empt issues.

TIP: Position the bottom of the Map with the front-most wall of the house on a line that is parallel to that of the front door. If the front door is set back from leading wall of the house, the bottom of the map lines-up with the front edge, not the door.

Reclaiming Missing Areas

Missing areas can be reclaimed using both literal and symbolic adjustments. Just as a plant sends out an energetic template into which a leaf grows, the layout of a house seems to act as a template into which life unfolds. It’s important to know that the symbolic corrections made are as effective as architectural ones. It’s all about energy.

How Do YOU FEEL Standing in the House?

Some of the most interesting houses, have floor plans that don’t conform to the map, so that shouldn’t be your overarching concern. The external environment is equally important. What do you see when you look out the windows and front door? What are your other senses telling you? Is it lined up with a T-intersection? Such houses are heavily impacted by the energy moving down the street directly at the house.

Do your due-diligence on the house (inspections, etc.), but otherwise: Does the house FEEL good and does it have the potential for adjustments?

The post The Magic of the Bagua to Create Balance appeared first on Nancy Wesson Consulting.

Feng Shui Your Garden https://nancywesson.com/feng-shui-your-gardens/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=feng-shui-your-gardens Sun, 18 Mar 2001 19:32:00 +0000 https://nancywesson.com/?p=498 by Nancy Wesson Reprinted from The Austin Homesteader, 2001 The image to the left is a ZEN Garden, NOT a Feng Shui Garden. When folks ask me about Feng Shui and gardening, there seems to be some confusion about them being Zen gardens. The two couldn’t be more different. A Zen garden is very – ... Read more

The post Feng Shui Your Garden appeared first on Nancy Wesson Consulting.

by Nancy Wesson

Reprinted from The Austin Homesteader, 2001

The image to the left is a ZEN Garden, NOT a Feng Shui Garden.

When folks ask me about Feng Shui and gardening, there seems to be some confusion about them being Zen gardens. The two couldn’t be more different. A Zen garden is very – well Zen! When I think of a Zen garden – it’s sparse with open space and lots of sand or rock with a few larger rocks. Designed for clearing the mind of everything extraneous, visual stimulation is at a minimum. Beautiful and serene with little to stimulate the senses.

Feng Shui Gardens are Not Zen

However, the image below IS a Feng Shui Garden. Feng Shui gardens, on the other hand meander – with winding trails, plants, rocks, statuary if you like, benches – always a little gift around every bend. There are little pockets of refuge and privacy mixed with vistas – all brought together in a balanced elemental flow. In five-element terms it means you have Water, Wood, Fire, Earth and Metal represented in ways that strike your fancy and honor the natural habitat.

Notice the variation in color and texture of the plants; the presence and placement of various sculptures and objects of art – even an arch. There are varying heights to let the eyes play. Chances are, walking through this garden would offer more surprises, maybe a bench or an even a meditation spot. In all likelihood there’s a fountain or a pond tucked in somewhere as well. It tickles the senses.

Orienting Your Garden

When you’re orienting your garden, remember that the garden Bagua can start in the front yard and include the entire property or start at the back door and include only the back yard. You can start your garden anywhere on the property and pick an entry point, which functions as the “front door” to your garden. I really would not get too hung up on that. People tend to get a little anxious about the specifics and that is completely contrary to the point of a Feng Shui space. For me, the most important aspects are balance and the use of symbolism, to create a space that embraces you with a mix of life, movement, sound, fragrance, color, and texture. All of this should be consistent with the environment in which you are creating the garden.

So – if you’re in Phoenix, trying to create a garden using tropical plants that need frequent irrigation – necessitating constant care or an additionally installed watering system – is not Feng Shui. Similarly, if you’re in Louisiana and trying to do Xeroscape – with plants that need little or no water – well good luck! Honor the territory you happen to be in.

But Can I Use Cacti?

A lot has been made in Feng Shui about the use of cacti and sharp, pointed sword like plants. They are typically considered rather relationship hostile and non- welcoming for obvious reasons. But if you live in an arid climate, you use plants that are in harmony with that place – and sometimes that’s cactus. Just use a little common sense. Another place to use a liberal dose of common sense is the use of color.

Any of you who know about Feng Shui are aware that each of the elements has a series of colors associated with it. In this context people are always asking, do I need red flowers here, blue flowers there? Here’s the deal – you first have to consider the issues you would look at in ANY healthy garden. Think about the elements of sun, water, wind, shade, soil conditions, etc and first choose plants that will thrive (or at least tolerate) the present conditions. Then look at texture, shape of the plant, size and shape of the leaf, and finally color. Your life will be so much easier and your gardening experience will be more pleasurable.

Any of you who know about Feng Shui are aware that each of the elements has a series of colors associated with it. In this context people are always asking, do I need red flowers here, blue flowers there? Here’s the deal – you first have to consider the issues you would look at in ANY healthy garden. Think about the elements of sun, water, wind, shade, soil conditions, etc and first choose plants that will thrive (or at least tolerate) the present conditions. Then look at texture, shape of the plant, size and shape of the leaf, and finally color. Your life will be so much easier and your gardening experience will be more pleasurable.

Using the Five Elements

Here are a few suggestions to help you make choices that relate to the five elements (water, wood, fire, earth, metal). Remember that these can come in the form of vegetation, sound, color, texture or garden accessories including rock formations, sculptures, water features, path ways, etc.

The variations are endless. Items can also be more than one element at a time. Choose the most predominant aspect and have fun! This is a time to engage ALL of your senses!

  • Water: water itself, water features, broad leaf floppy or draping plants, shady/cool areas, amorphous shapes. Ponds should have a way for critters like frogs to climb out after they hopped in. Drowned frogs are not good Feng Shui.
  • Wood: all living plants fall into the wood category. That said, wood shapes are more columnar or cylindrical, upright and tree like. Color is also an aspect, and the color for wood is green, not brown.
  • Fire: sharp pointy leaf plants, the color red, sculptures that are angular or pointy, suns, brightly glazed tiles, shiny or bright colors. Any fanciful whimsical art work or mobiles, plastic planters also qualify as fire. Fire is FUN!
  • Earth: flowers, terra cotta pots, heavy objects or sculptures, Mexican-clay tile, earth-colors, square/blocky shapes, soft comfy cushions, boulders, etc. Herbs or plants that are fragranced when you brush against them (mint, thyme, santolina, etc) earthen ware planters also qualify.
  • Metal: plants that are rounded or globe like in shape. Obviously metal itself, or smooth surface sculptures, elegant fixtures, soft pastel colors, the sound of metal clinking.


Let’s talk about benches or meditation areas. Any area where you sit should have some feeling of protection behind it, so you feel comfortable and secure. Remember the concept of arm-chair shape – with support all around you – looking forward into a more open space. This can be accomplished with a hedge, a tree, wood lattice privacy screen or a stone wall. Paths, edging and outlines of beds should be curved and feel natural or meandering. Ever notice there are no straight lines in nature? Follow that lead.

Keep it Curvy!

In Hong Kong, even the straightest walkway is designed to look curved through the use of brick layout, plantings or shadows falling across the walk. Let your creativity soar, your fantasy life come alive! Feng Shui begs you to use ALL of your senses to celebrate life and create beauty with what you have on hand.

The post Feng Shui Your Garden appeared first on Nancy Wesson Consulting.
