I say tomatoes – they say tomaaaahtoes…

So last week I needed something approximating a real vegetable with my noodles.  Dinner around here  – if it’s not Slurpy Yogurt (real name – which hasn’t been delivered in three weeks) is usually noodles or rice with some vegetable and maybe a little canned meat thrown in.  There are plenty of vegetables here actually, … Read more

And then there was fire…

It’s been an interesting night – as evidence by the fact that it is 3:02 AM and I am doing what? as the Ugandans would say?  I am blogging.    It’s the new cure for insomnia. So it is the first night in about a week I’ve been able to just nod off.  Friends came … Read more

Turning a corner

Today felt a bit like turning a corner.  We have 24 days of training left and have had both our personal assessments by trainers and a mock language test.  The assessment was excellent and they even want 10 copies of my book (Moving Your Aging Parents) to begin looking at the aging population in Uganda.  … Read more