What’s A Body to Do… Peace of Mind is Just a Breath Away

by Nancy Wesson Reprinted from The Austin Homesteader, 2003 We are living in some strange times. The universe-is-tilting, there’s Code Orange, Code Pink, Peace Vigils, Anti-War Marches, hormones in the meat and fake corn, Cloning…. What’s a body to do? Makes you want to retreat a nice cave and hibernate ‘till all this passes. But … Read more

What’s Intuition Got to Do With It?

by Nancy Wesson Reprinted from The Austin Homesteader, 2003 When folks ask what I do,  I tell them I’m a Feng Shui Consultant, Intuition trainer, and Professional Organizer.  It’s always  interesting to watch and hear their responses, which range from barely disguised rolling-of-the-eyes to  fascination.  The first question is usually:  “You mean you can TEACH … Read more