
Boys eagerly awaiting a meal I know you have other things going on in your lives and other causes, but this evolving story is one worth telling, not only as a thank you for those of you who have so generously contributed to the GoFundMe campaign to feed the homeless children in Gulu, and to … Read more

Education of the Girl-Child: Changing the World – One Girl at a Time

by Nancy Wesson, Peace Corps Volunteer, Program Advisor: Literacy and Adult Basic Education The education of the girl-child and the women they become is one of the single most important contributions society can make to improving income, health and development for the community at large. It is not overstating the matter to say: “An educated … Read more

Children’s Room Project!

Finally – at long last – we are actually starting the project that was attempted in 2011. A burned foot, change of Town Clerk and LABE work intervened and conspired to stall the project.  And a truculent volunteer dug her heels and played the role of a power-mongering bureaucrat.  Her first question when approached in … Read more

You want me to do WHAT with that?

Aaaaah – rain AND real Mexican food.  Life is sometimes good in Uganda.  Tonight several of us were invited to dinner by an ex-PCV, returned as a USAID employee.  We suggested our version of Mexican food:  you know beans cooked by Happy Nest (none of us has enough propane to cook beans for 4 hours), … Read more

Graceland School for Girls

Lordy the smoke is thick tonight – there is always something burning:  plastic, goat hide, something… But tonight is improved by that fact that I managed spaghetti in the few minutes of electricity and discovered gas has arrived!!!  I paid, got a receipt and will have a real honest-to-goodness functional stove by tomorrow night.  Now … Read more