So You Think YOU were Robbed at the Post Office?

You all know I have two sons.  One, I communicate regularly with by phone.  That would be Brett, Director, Ski Patrol, Timberline) on the mountain, risking life-and-limb every day as I see it.  The oldest is Travis, in the city now after coming back from a lucrative IT defense contractor post in Bagdad, a job with its own version of danger, being in a military zone.   We regularly “chat” – the on-line variety.  So when the phone rang this morning and Trav’s name popped up, I knew this was no ordinary day – and it’s a day before my birthday – so probably not a birthday call.  I’d not yet had coffee – and there was the usual slow getting-into-the-day clattering going on in the background as breakfast is brought out in random starts and stops.

So , I say “Travis!  How wonderful to hear your voice!  This is unusual – a call – how are you?”
Travis, savoring the moment and his news:  “Well, I thought  a call would be appropriate after the events of the day.”
“Oh yeah?  What did the day bring?”
“Well – I got your package mailed!”
“Good, good – that is a big event – I know what a pain in the ass that can be…”
“Yep – and it cost be $75.00.”
“Damn Travis!  That a lot!  Sorry about that!”
“Well – it’s OK – the Post Office ate that one.”
“Hmmm – sounds like a story behind that… knowing that the Post Office never gives anything away.”
“Yeah – considering I was robbed at gun point…”

HA! The other shoe has dropped…  Proving once again, that danger is not always where you expect it.  “Oh my god Travis!  Are you alright???  Tell me!!!!”

As the story unfolds, it seems Travis has gone out on what should have been an ordinary mission of mailing a Christmas package.  In retrospect, though,  I can remember some forays to the PO during the Christmas rush that would qualify for combat pay…  and feeling like I’d been robbed after paying for the privilege.

It was 11:30 in the morning in a Prince George County PO (near Hyattsville, MD).  As he was filling out customs forms, a masked gunman came in brandishing a gun (which Travis described as a pocket pistol or some such but he knew exactly which one it was…) and started banging on the PO counter for the attendants to come out  (as he would like to rob them).  Naturally this approach didn’t work real well and the employees stayed where they were (they’re smart like that.)  Having failed to collect his intended stash, he decided he’d rob the captive audience of seven or so people who had come into mail packages.   I’m guessing he probably didn’t think it through that well.

After some fairly frantic bounding around and collecting about $200 in cash, the bandit ran out, no shots having been fired and all are well.  Travis was  the only one who thought to call 911 and the only one with enough presence of mind to pay attention to the kind of details police want.    It was a TV scene – complete with black hoodie, black pants, black mask, shiny gun (well I’m not really sure how shiny it was).

Having donated $100 to the cause already, the PO Police evidently decided he’d already over paid for the package.  I think I’ll save the wrapping on this one.

So next time you go the Post Office to mail a package and think you’ve been robbed – consider the price of a “refund” – in the Twilight Zone.

Merry Christmas ya’ll 😉