Rainy Season and Perma-Culture Farming

Ah – rain.  As a Texan who has often prayed for rain – I say ENOUGH!  I like rain – the sound of it on a tin roof – it’s comforting.  Today, however, I have had enough comfort.  Laundry – done by hand in tubs of rainwater was hung with care and just as it was drying (difficult enough in high humidity), the rain began.  Sheets, shirts, socks – are now all draped around my room and should dry within the next few days if I’m lucky.  Rule one, wash one sheet at a time in case it doesn’t dry.  We have been cautioned to IRON all of out clothes (and sheets) to be sure that the mango fly does not burrow into our skin after laying its eggs in clothes that never quite dry.  Well – I have no iron, because I have no electricity.  But there’s alway a charcoal powered iron.  That’s probably not going to happen – so I will take my chances with the Mango fly ;-(

Tomorrow we will learn the REAL short cut through the hills to school.  Rubber rain boots that come to the knee are now a requirement.  Mine are white – aren’t you just a little bit jealous???

This week we visited a farm and wore thes boots, and were allowed to wear trousers (women DON”T wear trousers here) and work gloves and learn about perma-culture farming.  No doubt I’ll have some kind of garden at site, but everyone in country depends on their farms for food, so we’ll at some point be talking and training in farming methods.  I know – you can’t see me farming????

The bins at left are manure, pic urine, etc. to use as fertilizer.

Light is fading and the solar lamp is on its last leg.  Nighty night….