
Services and Possibilities

Over the years, most of my clients  have come to me because something is amiss — they’re feeling some level of dissonance in life and often struggle to define the source.  It’s usually felt as some external issue:

  • clutter
  • house feels awkward
  • relationship isn’t working
  • feeling blocked
  • finances
  • children

At the core of most of these external challenges, rests the deeper desire for a greater sense of peace or harmony in life When things are a out-of-whack internally, they manifest in the physical world.

And – as odd as it may seem,  the practice of dealing with the problems in the external world, through the practical tools I offer (see Tools), can lead  back home to core issues:

  • feelings of worthiness
  • focus
  • old-patterns that non-longer serve us
  • life-purpose
  • self-sabotage
  • self-love
  • Inner guidance

Choosing a starting place, offers a framework for the rest of the work and learning how to manage your life and energy going forward.

Craft a New Lens toRescript Your LIfe:

We star where you are: with your story, with your triggers, with the kind of inner life you desire, and with the spiritual life you are developing.   Inner peace is not just a myth, it’s a reality and you’re in charge.

The other tools are there to help you make the transition from outer to inner – if you choose them – but this approach will help you cut-to-the-chase.   It’s the real work, when you’re ready.

In person or distant sessions.

Intuition Coaching

We are on the leading edge of a shift and expansion of human consciousness.  Included n that shift is an awareness that we are more than our physical bodies, that we are essentially energy and have greater access to information  in the energetic field that  most of thought possible.

Bombarded as we are by media and information, our intuitive skills are more important than ever. 

There’s a method of training your intuition that I’ve learned over a lifetime and includes:

  • identifying your own intuitive voice
  • interpreting the information you receive
  • learning what information to trust
  • using the information
  • developing your receptive abilities.

In person or distant sessions.

FENG SHUI:  the works

Every Feng Shui consultation starts with a review of what you choose for your life in the Nine Life Domains, the areas of life we all live, but do differently: 

  • Career (the way we spend our time)
  • Wisdom
  • Family
  • Abundance
  • Fame/Community Interface
  • Relationships
  • Future/Creativity/Children
  • Helpful People
  • Health

I’m interested not only in your intentions in these areas, but your language, because that reflects internal dialogue, which in tern influences your frequency and brain chemistry, both of which direct traffic when it comes to living and shifting life.

The NEXT STEP is to determine how the floor-plan, furniture arrangement and symbolism (artwork, etc) of your house influence your goals house.  As we go, we’ll re-arrange your space, make recommendations on color, light, and other factors.

SPACE CLEARING and BLESSING: The consult wraps up with an ancient ceremony to clear old energy that no longer serves you and bless the space.

The ceremony is an extremely powerful aspect of the process and completely shifts the energy of the space physically, mentally and spiritually, allowing you to move forward in new direction. 

ORGANIZATION: Creating order out of chaos

We start with a review of the situation, and your goals for the project and then get to work on the usual business of sorting, discarding, categorizing and restructuring.  In the process: you’ll learn tools for making decisions differently, ways to simplify the process, reach your goals, and honor your internal voice.    

More importantly, you will be given the tools to MANAGE your environment energy and space moving forward.   

De-cluttering doesn’t just apply to physical spaces. There’s also social and emotional clutter. while the physical process differs, the process of sorting, etc. is similar.  But we start with your life-goals, priorities, available time, attitudes, and go from there to also address boundaries and decision making process.