No Cause for Alarm

Seems the news of Obama sending troops to deal with the LRA in Uganda has created quite a stir and caused  some alarm.  Having had a son in Iraq, I know how news in the US papers causes alarm for loved ones abroad – when you’re not on the ground and have only your imagination to fuel the fire. Even here I have been asked if the US is invading Gulu, becuase all that has registered locally is: Obama – troops.

All is well here in Gulu from the perspective of troop activity, etc.  We’ve seen no brandishing of weapons, sneaky looks (except sometimes the Mzungo stare), suspicious lurking, or anything that would tip us off to any untword activity.  Kampala is usually off limits to PCVs without prior permission anyway, but even that has little to do with active violence.  More pre-cautionary. (Nevermind that most of is would rather drink bleach than take a voluntary ride on the bus into the Kampala!) The news did result in higher security advisories for PCVs for a bit, but none of us IN Gulu felt or saw any actions that caused us to feel at risk and I’ve not heard of concern elsewhere.

We are all in the midst of trying to learn our organizations, be productive in the face of not necessarily knowing exactly how to go about it and figure out mundane things like: how do I find gas for cooking, where do I get a BED (couch, shelves…) and learn how to live with sometimes electricity, latrines we have to find in the dark, lack of plumbing and ways of disposing of things and bugs.  (Michael if you’re reading this, I have not tasted White Ants).  Some of us have almost no bugs, others are surrounded.  I don’t even have a Gecko in my house and they are ubiquitous. In fact, in Gulu, I’ve not even seen a dog. There are a few cats (mousers – not pets), plenty of goats and the occasional herd of cows, but none of the usual critters.

But! I think I may have found a different house to rent – and it’s full of Geckos.  I think the mosquitoes will be worse there, but oh! to awaken to fresh air. The smell of burning goat hair greets me every morning and starts the day with nausea.  Blegh!  And the sounds from some of the neighbors are – well – not for the faint-of-heart or weak-of-stomach…

See you!