It's All About Energy


What does that even mean?  Well, frequency and vibration are a good place to start.

Physics wasn’t my forte, so if was was yours, please bear with me as I try to walk the “rest of us” through a very elementary explanation.  I’m  also coming at this from a slightly different perspective and playing around in that zone where science and spirituality meet.

To begin with,  Newtonian Physics-the branch of physics we learned in high school or Freshman college-tells us that everything is made of particles. And that may lead us to believe that what-you-see-is-what-you-get, i.e. that we are our physical bodies, period. and that all matter can be neatly categorized as solid, liquid, or gas.  Yes, we have have mass and density, but that’s only part of the story.  We – and matter in general – are less “solid” than you might think and that changes everything.

When Quantum Mechanics emerged and talked about physics as it applies to sub-atomic particles and the fact that atoms are not physical  particles, but energy, it caused – and is still causing, quite a stir.  In fact, all those particles are not particles at all, but strings about 33 centimeters long, each vibrating at its own signature frequency.

I like the quote in the Washington Post,’s  Short Course in String Theory quotes. Jim Gates, a physicist who specializes in string theory at the University of Maryland is quoted as saying,  “Strings can sing. So you can think of the world around us as a symphony of strings vibrating in different frequencies.”  


In that synchronistic way the universe has of sending you experience that prepares you for something coming, I spent most of my early twenties in graduate school in Audiology, being married to an Electrical Engineer and being an Amateur Radio Operator.  My then husband, spent his evenings calibrating radio signals, using an oscilloscope, so every night was a tutorial as I watched and learned about sound transmission, resonance, and noise. Who knew I’d be using that experience decades later to explain a spiritual concept!

Having a visual helped me understand the concept, so here goes…

One way to think about energy is  as a wave-form  vibrating at a specific rate/frequency, or a group of wave forms vibrating as a group of frequencies.

What’s a wave form? Think Sine-wave. Again, this isn’t a science tutorial, just a way of turning the etherial into something more visual and concrete.


With the above-image in mind, let’s talk frequency–first in the physical. In layman’s terms – the number of times an event or cycle repeats in a certain amount of time (a second) is frequency.  (Think of: doing pushups in a minute, engine revs (rpm),  musical notes, etc..Using sound as an example – the closer these peaks (see diagram above) are together in a fixed unit of time (the more  cycles per second), the higher the pitch.  The fewer cycles per second (cps or Hertz), the lower the pitch.  CPS and Hz. are the scientific abbreviations of terms, while pitch is subjective, or how we perceive frequency in sound.  Loudness or brightness (for light) is how we talk about amplitude.

Everything has a frequency (or group of frequencies) associated with it: sound, light, color, the human body, thoughts, emotions, words, chakras, etc.  Every cell, photon, neutron, etc. is vibrating. 


Wave forms can either be additive  (add to each other) or destructive  (cancel each other). When like-frequencies exist in proximity, they can cause another vibration in any object with a similar natural frequency – increasing the strength (amplitude) of the vibration. That increase in strength (loudness, intensity, amplitude) is resonance.  


If this is sounding a little esoteric, a couple of real-life examples might help.

  • The Wine Glass:  a violin played at a certain frequency and loudness (amplitude) can cause a wine glass to shatter.  Why? Because it’s matched the natural frequency of the glass, causing it to vibrate. Because the material is brittle, it shatters.  
  • A wooden bridge:  near me, there is an old wooden bridge leading to a pier. At each end is a stern SPEED LIMIT warning: 5-mph!  Driving faster causes the bridge to vibrate at its resonant frequency – and you can literally feel the bridge move in what feels like a wave.  Going faster for a period of time could literally cause the bridge to break apart.
  • Human body: the human body is NOT brittle, but is impacted by frequency in many ways. Sound – again – is a good way to think of this.  Low frequency sounds are often felt, before they are heard, and can cause illness and tissue damage, depending on amplitude and duration.  In the other direction, emotions – also frequency – can make us feel “light,” and joyful. A beautiful piece of classical music can bring on a sense of euphoria and makes of feel like we are floating, while sadness, grief, anger,  or judgement can make us feel slow, heavy and dragged down.


Contrary to what we may have been taught in childhood, we CAN impact our emotions and the way we feel.  But don’t confuse this with the “new age” idea that it’s not OK to feel negative, down, angry, etc.  While we may not want to wallow in those frequencies, it’s important to feel them for the information they offer regarding relationships, judgement, and resistance. 

It may not feel automatic, but when you have a negative emotion, allow yourself to feel it and understand that this is an energy moving through you,  then shift gears by shifting lens or thoughts to gently move through the emotion to a greater neutrality.

Why neutrality? Neutrality is not a place of non-action. It’s a place of discernment, being able to view a circumstance as it unfolds, analyzing it from multiple perspectives and paradigms, while reducing our “triggered” response. A triggered response is often a hold-over from old injuries and neural-patterning which may no longer be valid in the face of new information or new understanding of our history.  Neutrality allows for greater peace, compassion, and infinite possibility.  It also moves us out of resistance.

And why is THAT important? Because resistance is also a frequency, and remembering the Law of Resonance, whatever we resist, resonates with exactly that which we resist.   Neutrality – literally neutralizes it, so we can process it differently.


There are many ways to help yourself shift your energy or frequency.  Some techniques shift the energy of your thoughts and emotions. Others shift the energy of the space around you – a back door to shifting your energy internally. Those listed below are explained in full on the TOOLS page.

Among the tools:

  • Intention
  • Changing the lens through which you view life
  • Feng Shui
  • De-cluttering/organization
  • Meditation
  • Being Present/Mindfulness
  • Neutrality


It’s important because life evolves around the frequency you emit or transmit.

Since you EXIST as frequency, you are literally a transmitter.  As a transmitter, you will connect with (resonate with) like- frequencies.  Think of yourself as a radio.  To receive classical music, you have to tune your instrument to that frequency.  You will never receive Chopin if you vibrate at the frequency of Hard-Rock!


Thoughts are impactful in a number of ways, not the least of which is their direct influence on brain chemistry via the neurotransmitters that are released.  The specific neurotransmitters contribute to a specific feeling or emotion.

Low Frequency emotions include: fear, jealousy, anger, doubt, sadness, cruelty.

High frequency emotions include:  joy, compassion, wonder, love, kindness.


This is not a surface emotion or affirmation, though affirmations can help.  If you spend you day affirming,  “I am wealthy, slim, beautiful, etc”  but hold an underlying belief or fear that you are unworthy,  your affirmation isn’t going to help.  Resonance is not just about the specific thought, but how you’re vibrating as a unit.  So any shift in thought is helped by:

  • being absolutely present in the moment 
  • appreciating that moment for what it is offering you, teaching you, for “what is!”
  • finding a place of gratitude, or sometimes merely acceptance is the best we can do
  • breathing deeply 
  • recognizing yourself as more than a “physical being.” You are a spiritual being, having a physical experience.