It’s been a while, and world of COVID-19 continues to deliver  unexpected challenges and opportunities.  My family and I are fortunate in that we live rural lives, and those have remained relatively unchanged, with minor adjustments.  But others have not been so fortunate, and the pandemic has had a devastating impact on many in our … Read more

Confessions of a Tygh Valley Weed Wrangler

Still catching up her as the last snow of the season falls.   I am acclimating it seems, because I wished for this snow!  This, my third winter, was very mild and I found I missed the magical quality of snow, as someone who has not lived in it her entire life can say.But to … Read more

Been A While

Hello my friends. For those of you still reading, thank you for hanging in there.  For new friends, thank you for welcoming me into your lives.  I’m lovin’ my life in Maupin, and still learning how to be an Oregonian; new survival gear is involved: snow boots, rafting gear, ice cleats. Skills to out-smart and … Read more

Change – and choice

Hello all – So I thought I’d completely jettisoned my old self…. but there are some things that are just here to stay… And that was rather the point – to see what remained after all the excess fell away.  Part of the Peace Corps journey was to re-calibrate.  You’ve heard this story before, so … Read more

New Year Wrap-up

Yes indeed, the sun has set on yet another year and  2016 blew in with with gusto and freezing temps here on the northern shore.  Some strange atmospheric anomaly brought with it the tease of seeing the northern lights as far south as Cannon Beach, so in search of a little magic, a friend and … Read more

Settling in to New Digs

It’s been rather a whirlwind, but I’m in and I’m stayin’ here for at least the year.   I keep telling myself, this Fall and Winter will be the test.  Thus far – not yet a month, the weather has been a nice surprise.  Yes, there’s been rain, but from the reports I received from non-Oregonians … Read more

Reprieve – Sort of

Good news abounds.  First my foot and mobility have improved to the point that I can move to a location where I have to fend for myself.  Now how is this good news….  The care I have received at the hands of Nurse Betsy has surpassed any care I have received anywhere.   She is … Read more