Swimming with the Sharks – Whale sharks that is

Swimming with the Whale Sharks was my one big splurge for this trip – and as splurges go it was worth it because these are endangered species and rumor has it that this is the last year that getting in the water with them will be allowed here.  I understand why after being part of … Read more

Playing in Playa

Aaah – finally in Playa!  I caught the bus up from Bacalar last week and it rained all the way.  Got a taxi – in the rain – found the place – in the rain…  And it has been raining off and on every since.  Seems some disorganized system has been moving across the peninsula … Read more

Mayan ruins, Armed troops and Jaguars?

OK – I lied.  I said my next post would be from Playa del Carmen, but this surprise trip dropped into my lap and it was full of surprises.  I’d just finished my three mile walk and was sitting sweaty in the 98% humidity waiting for what has become my favorite breakfast:  fresh local fruit, … Read more

A slower pace and Rocks that BREATHE

I wanted a slower pace in a normal little Mexican town and that is what I have found in Bacalar.  So slow in fact, that I have fallen into a rhythm of trying to find things to occupy myself.  Those of you who know me well know that I am project driven and accustomed to … Read more

Isla Mujeres in the Rear View Mirror

The last night on Isla Mujeres was balmy and blessedly calmer than all of the preceding week.  Spring-breakers are gone and now the island prepares for the onslaught of  local tourists on Easter break. Young travelers – gypsy musicians who sleep on the beach and  finance their stay with their music add to the mix … Read more

Turquoise water! Isla de Mujeres

Finally – the sound of the surf, sea breezes, turquoise water!  I literally felt my skin shrivel in Merida.  While it was already pegging at 116, I was told – it’s not really hot yet.  Even for this Texan – that’s hot with a humidity in the 90 percent range.   So, back to the … Read more

Feathered serpents, dancing girls and sacrifices!

March 16 I’m definitely not in Uganda.  I know this because I am on a bus writing a blog and said bus has wide seats, a foot rest, Wi-Fi, movies and a BATHROOM! Also, not a goat or chicken in sight (on this particular bus – tho such buses do exist), no prayers before leaving … Read more

Spanish Verbs and Tequila Tours

Sundays in Guadalajara are something to behold.  Yes – it’s huge, busy, polluted…  It is also a city with soul.  Every Sunday the main business thoroughfare slicing through El Centro is closed to traffic so walkers, runners, grown-ups on bikes, kids on trikes, dog-walkers and gawkers can traverse the area by any means they choose … Read more