Intention Archives - Nancy Wesson Consulting Sun, 09 Apr 2023 22:49:04 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Intention Archives - Nancy Wesson Consulting 32 32 Once Upon a Sand-Dune Fri, 06 May 2022 22:42:28 +0000 I haven’t posted for a while and life has certainly intervened. Most of it has not been particularly note-worthy, but this was such a weird event, I thought I’d share. For those of you not in my “backyard,” or family ,you may not know I broke my ankle – three fractures and a dislocation requiring ... Read more

The post Once Upon a Sand-Dune appeared first on Nancy Wesson Consulting.

I haven’t posted for a while and life has certainly intervened. Most of it has not been particularly note-worthy, but this was such a weird event, I thought I’d share. For those of you not in my “backyard,” or family ,you may not know I broke my ankle – three fractures and a dislocation requiring 29 pieces of hardware to pull it back together again. Having never broken a bone in my life, and having enjoyed an existence characterized by excellent health and independence, this was a glimpse into my own personal hell. But mostly, it’s offered a deep dive into a new awareness of how life can change in an instant, an appreciation of community, and the realization that I have taken for granted how much effort goes into performing the most basic of daily activities when the body is not operating on all cylinders – shall we say on both feet.

I have renewed sympathy for Humpty Dumpty, and huge appreciation for the fact that there was an ankle specialist in the practice that gave me a new hip two years ago.

It started out innocently enough…

I’d thought with the end of the proceeding event of a lumpectomy and five weeks of very targeted radiation therapy for a fairly benign form of breast cancer, I was over the hump. So off on a lovely family trip to the coast, as we say here. If I’d gone to the coast in Texas, Louisiana, Florida – or any number of other places I’ve lived, we’d say we went to the beach. I think on the Atlantic side, it’s called going to the shore. Here it’s going to the coast.

Within half an hour of arrival, we set off on a trail that took us over the dunes and that’s where the mischief started – mischief that ended up putting me totally out of commission for two months. No walking. No driving. No nuthin’. I’m just beginning to walk again, and feel like a clumsy, oversized toddler. This, too, is humbling.

But… I’m getting ahead of myself…

As luck would have it, after a nauseating couple of hours round-trip in the back seat of the car, and a few hours in the ER, I returned with what Colton, my grandson, called a huge bandaid. Splinted and wrapped in enough layers to keep it safe in an atomic blast, it remained thus until surgery a week later. The next morning, a balloon-tire wheelchair was commandeered from the Visitors’ Bureau and these two hunky sons, got me on the beach.

Killin’ Time

During the endless down-time, someone suggested I fill my time with poetry. So – with Dr. Suess as my muse – I did. Here’s a sample. Please don’t throw tomatoes at me. Turns out I wrote it without realizing the form actually has a name: Narrative Poetry! Who knew. Well – now you do, too.

Have a chuckle – and know that this is just what transpired!

Once Upon a Sand Dune

Once upon a sand-dune slope
The kids below were waiting.
The sea ahead, its spume afloat
The dune, its secret waiting.
One way down was straight and steep,
The other mildly sloping.
She stood upon the mighty heap,
And did her best at coping.
Don't be a weenie, said she to self,
Never one for slopes.
Just slide on down that sandy shelf!
She screwed up all her hopes.
She scanned the dune for flatter ground,
But none was there in view.
How hard could it be - she looked around
Then planted her stance askew.
And then it happened, left foot down,
The slide, it did unfold...
The uphill foot did twist around,
And thus began the roll!
Legs and arms akimbo,
with Colton down below...
The two began to roll as one
Wound up like a bow.
Laughter all around was heard.
As a pratfall it was perfect!
But then there was a cracking sound,
Kim's the one that heard it!
Her ankle was a lovely hue
And move it she could not.
Purple, red, and slightly blue -
Move it she WOULD not!
How to get her off the beach!
Discussions did ensue.
Airlift, coach, or ambulance?
Were options to review.
The cavalry came on wheels of four -
Two firemen, they were conjured.
How best to get her through the door
Of the chariot, just yonder?
They settled upon the life-and-hop
and jostled her to the jeep.
Th ride to town was bumpety-bump,
The language was bleepety-bleep.
Off the beach the bumbled,
Bouncing all the way.
And to the house they rumbled,
Where a chairlift saved the day.
Three big cracks and dislocation -
The ankle was a mess!
Colton noticed the big band-aid-tion
And said it was the best!
But wait! The drama is not finished!
Once at home, she kept it up.
Her balance much diminished...
she fell and landed on her butt-
Then broke her hand to finish.
The surgeons, they did fix their dates.
Urgent, it was hailed.
Then COVID reared its ugly face.
What fuckery doth prevail!
Still, we had the best of times,
Played games and ate a pile.
Found a balloon-tire wheelchair
And rolled to the beach in style
The laughs we had were just sublime!
I wouldn't change a thing.
And though I have run out of rhyme,
I can't wait to go again.

Almost without exception, my mystical friends have asked, “Why do you think this happened?” And while I can give a million different possible symbolic reasons – or admit that stuff just happens – I can say that being totally dependent on others for the most basic needs, is humbling. It’s also an opportunity to ask for help (not an easy task for a stubbornly independent woman), receive help with grace, gratitude, and humor and enjoy (yes, enjoy) the down time to visit, form deeper friendships, explore new aspects of self, and just develop a greater appreciation for basic freedoms like driving, walking to the bathroom, making your own coffee, and getting outside.

So once again, here’s to celebrating good health, mobility, freedom in all its forms, and doing so in deep gratitude.

The post Once Upon a Sand-Dune appeared first on Nancy Wesson Consulting.

Boosting Your Immunity: A Bag of Tricks Mon, 16 Mar 2020 17:58:00 +0000 A friend, years ago, told me I have a tendency to use ten words where three will do, and I plead guilty: I like words and their nuances. And some of the information I work with seems very esoteric (taking a lot of words to explain…), but has extremely practical, real world ramifications (not so ... Read more

The post Boosting Your Immunity: A Bag of Tricks appeared first on Nancy Wesson Consulting.

A friend, years ago, told me I have a tendency to use ten words where three will do, and I plead guilty: I like words and their nuances. And some of the information I work with seems very esoteric (taking a lot of words to explain…), but has extremely practical, real world ramifications (not so many words). And because it’s too important to be left unsaid, it’s those practical connections I want to address at the moment. So I will cut-to-the-chase, because these concepts put into practice help boost immunity.

Suffice it to say, that over the past twenty five years or so, working with energy (i.e personal energy fields, not your electric bill), both professionally and through personal practice, I found myself operating in that sweet spot where science and spirituality connect on the continuum of energy.

What I found in that area where science meets spiritual practice can be summarized:      

1.    Everything exists as packets of energy, each vibrating at its signature frequency, which can be demonstrated as a sine wave. Humans are a collection of energy-packets in a skin-suit, operating within a field of energy called a bio-field (scientific term) or aura (metaphysical term).  It’s both measurable and changeable.    

2.    Because we vibrate, we are  transmitters—sending out our unique vibrational signal, a signal that impacts everyone around us. Remember how things vibrate when the bass on your stereo is too loud?  Same concept, but more subtle,    

3.    Like any other transmitter, the signal we broadcast determines the signal with which we will resonate, i.e. a radio-signal tuned to Heavy Metal, will not receive Beethoven, just as a signal tuned to hate and fear will not resonate with love and gratitude.    

4.  Like a radio operator, we get to manage our operational frequency and tune it to what we want to receive (experience) and what we generate (manifest). We do this via intention, thoughts, and emotions. Now, take a leap with me while we connect ends of the continuum and talk about emotions as frequencies: high-frequencies = love, gratitude, compassion; low-frequencies = fear, judgement, anger.

Learning how to manage our energy/frequency/emotions is the single most powerful tool we possess.  The power to do this is within every one of us. We are deciders,  more than doers.

What does this have to do with COVID 19?  

It turns out, it has much to do with boosting immunity, both individual and collective.   Amid the chaos surrounding the virus, and the compassionate and necessary actions of physical-distancing, self-isolation, and hand washing as ways to safeguard ourselves, families and communities, it’s vitally important to ALSO know that:    

We EACH carry an effective arsenal of immunity building capabilities within ourselves.   That capability rests in knowing HOW we control our frequencies—our emotions—which directly influence immunity. What follows is a partial list of practices anyone can do, to build immunity and support each other, now and always.

In 2009, Professor Elizabeth Blackburn won the Nobel Prize for her 1984 discoveries regarding telomeres, found at the ends of chromosomes (drawing at right) and their relationship to immunity. Longer telomeres translate to stronger  immunity, and medical research shows that those telomeres can be lengthened through various practices, and it can be done in a matter of weeks.

In 2008, the Dalai Lama and a group of biomedical scientists came together for a conference on Longevity and Tibetan Medicine.     Among other things, was the discovery that the practice of gratitude lengthens telomeres, and therefore supports immunity.   So gratitude is the first on my list of daily practices.      

1.   Gratitude: in addition to lengthening telomeres, reduces stress and cortisol levels, increases IgA (immunoglobulin antibodies) stimulates “feel-good” neurotransmitters and a sense of well being.              

a. Keep a gratitude journal.        

b. Sit with gratitude for ten-minutes a few times per day. Or for a visual/auditory presentation go here.      

2.   If experiencing fear, shift to gratitude, love, compassion for ANY event in your life. Trying to talk yourself out of fear is like putting-lipstick-on-a-pig, so shift to a memory, event or relationship that stimulates gratitude.       

3.    If you can, meditate. Any method that works for you is effective and as little as fifteen minutes a day can stimulate creativity,  calm the amygdala, and reduce reactivity in emotional responses.   For information on how meditation changes the brain, check this out.      

4.   Strengthen and take responsibility for your personal biof-ield by creating your own high-frequency bubble of good-in, good-out. For Star-Trek fans, think of this as your own personal deflector shield. (*A short exercise is provided at the end of this blog.) And NO, I’m NOT suggesting that this replace physical-distancing. 

5.   Be responsible for the energy/attitude/intention you bring to interactions. Experiments show that when two people are placed in a room, even in the absence of behavioral interaction, their brain waves will synchronize and the person with the most coherent brain wave pattern has the greatest influence. Coherency is supported by meditation and emotion.  In other words, you change another person/situation merely by your presence.

    6.  Increase the synergy between head and heart through visualization, breath, intention, or meditation. Heart-brain coherency changes blood chemistry, cognition, emotional response and many other biological functions. To learn more, check out HeartMath.  (Heart Math Institute image left) For those of you who like gadgets to help guide you, they are available.  Several of my clients have found them useful.

7.  Pause and consider the larger metaphysical implications of the current crisis on society, environment, and systems that may no longer serve us.  Further, what are the implications at a personal level, and what are you meant to learn as an individual consciousness at this point in your own evolution?  One of many avenues to explore if you’re so inclined is Matt Kahn’s post.

8.   Put yourself on an energy-diet. Literally, choose your energetic intake: monitor and manage your exposure to toxic “news,” fear-mongering, and any media (including t.v, movies and articles) that focus on victimization, whatever the method. Prolonged fear and anger reduce immunity.  This is not to say you can’t be informed, but choose discernment rather than reactivity and judgement.      

9.    Finally, use the opportunity of staying-at-home in ways that support you, not to just pass-the-time.  What are the things you’ve been saying you “don’t have time for?”  Evaluate the things that have fallen away; what served you and what didn’t?  How can you use this time to build relationships (with yourself or others)” “Go deep,” as one of my sons would say, and discover the wilderness within. You might be surprised by what you find, and what you’ll heal. 

In short, in the context of so much external uncertainty and change, we can be our own best allies because of our phenomenal innate resources for managing our thoughts, energy, emotions, immunity, and brain chemistry.

Sometimes helping in a crisis boils down to being the person in your circle who can stay grounded and centered and hold space for others going through rough times.    Your own energy is a powerful source for others and can offer solace simply through your presence.   

Be the light that guides the way.

*Bio-field Exercise: 
Remember, your bio-field is a fact and exists with or without your awareness.  This exercise is a method to consciously strengthen that field for your health and well-being.
1.  Take several deep belly-breaths to relax and set the intention for this exercise.       
2. Visualize yourself inside a balloon or an expandable egg shape.
3. My recommendation for breath: imagine  taking in breath/energy from the core of the earth, bringing it up through the sole of the feet (chakras there…), bring it up through the body and out through the crown of the head.  Move energy up to 2-3 feet about your head (clean source energy), then bring it back down thrown the crown to your heart and exhale through the heart to fill the balloon).
6. With each inhale, imagine taking in white light or the pure energy of love, joy or gratitude.  Let it fill your physical body from your toes to your scalp.
7.  With each exhale; blow into your balloon filling with this pure, clean energy.
8.  Continue breathing comfortable, slow breaths until your balloon is expanded to just beyond your fingertips with your arms extended perpendicular to your body, and about a foot above your head and below your feet.
9. The membrane to this balloon or egg is semi-permeable allowing your breath, light and energy, but only that of your choosing.  GOOD IN – GOOD OUT!
10.  If you become light headed during this process, return to normal breathing, and continue to visualize your energy balloon or egg.
11. You can see the light inside your balloon as golden or white light, both of which are associated with the highest frequencies of energy (love, joy, gratitude).
Note: Once you’re comfortable with this technique, you can do it in an instant, anywhere or any time, simply through intending it.

The post Boosting Your Immunity: A Bag of Tricks appeared first on Nancy Wesson Consulting.
