Everybody Loves Somebody Sometime

by Nancy Wesson Reprinted from The Austin Homesteader, 2003 Well – we’re coming up on Valentine’s Day and it gives one pause to consider…who d’ya love.  Our programming for this day has us immediately turn to romantic interests and so I’ll concentrate on that – for the most part, but not entirely.  Let’s assume for … Read more


by Nancy Wesson Reprinted from The Austin Homesteader, 2003 Have you ever noticed your reaction to houses with curved or winding pathways leading to the front door is different from those with straight-on sidewalks or none at all? Never really thought about it? Well – maybe not, but I’ll just bet it influences you in … Read more

What’s A Body to Do… Peace of Mind is Just a Breath Away

by Nancy Wesson Reprinted from The Austin Homesteader, 2003 We are living in some strange times. The universe-is-tilting, there’s Code Orange, Code Pink, Peace Vigils, Anti-War Marches, hormones in the meat and fake corn, Cloning…. What’s a body to do? Makes you want to retreat a nice cave and hibernate ‘till all this passes. But … Read more

What’s Intuition Got to Do With It?

by Nancy Wesson Reprinted from The Austin Homesteader, 2003 When folks ask what I do,  I tell them I’m a Feng Shui Consultant, Intuition trainer, and Professional Organizer.  It’s always  interesting to watch and hear their responses, which range from barely disguised rolling-of-the-eyes to  fascination.  The first question is usually:  “You mean you can TEACH … Read more

Holidays: They’re Coming Ready or Not

by Nancy Wesson Reprinted from The Austin Homesteader, 2003 They’re coming! Ready or not! In fact they all seem to be here at once – if you believe what you see in the department stores. Well before Halloween, I was seeing Christmas paraphernalia. There’s something unsettling and off-putting about seeing Santa and Menorahs snuggled in … Read more

To Sleep or Not to Sleep

by Nancy Wesson Reprinted from The Austin Homesteader, 2002 What do farm animals (sheep in particular) and Lavender Eye Pillows have in common?  OK – they’re both fluffy.  No that’s not it……     Sleep!  They are both mentioned  as possible remedies for insomnia.  Counting sheep has never worked for me – before I get … Read more

From Flying Roaches to Cute Little Deer, Good Feng Shui is About Living in Harmony with Your Environment

by Nancy Wesson Reprinted from The Austin Homesteader, 2002 We are moving into spring here in Austin, a marvel replete with vistas of beautiful wildflowers and butterflies.  If you’re new to Central Texas, what qualifies as Spring here are the few days between winter (75 degrees and below) and summer (100 degrees plus.)  It’s the … Read more