Challenging Conversations: Dividing your Stuff

by Nancy Wesson Re-claimed and updated from Divorce360 March 2008 My husband and I are trying to conduct our property settlement via mediation and my friends says I’m nuts, but I want to keep this friendly.  At what point should I consider getting an attorney?  Many mediators are attorneys, but when mediating, there is a … Read more

Need Space in Your Relationship?

by Nancy Wesson Re-claimed and updated from Divorce 360, March 2008 A few months ago I started feeling like I needed more “space” in my marriage.  I’ve never really felt crowded before, and my wife and I are fighting so much about this we’re starting to talk about separating.    The other day we realized … Read more

Pictures of My Ex and New Relationships

by Nancy Wesson Re-printed and updated from Divorce 360, April 2008           After my divorce, I’m trying to move forward and seek a new relationship.  I have pictures of my ex around because I want the kids to feel that even though their parents divorced we are still there for them as parents.  I’ve been … Read more

Re-claim Harmony After a Family Rift

Re-claimed and updated from Divorce360, April 2008 How can I use the symbolic aspects of Feng Shui to heal a family rift that has resulted since my divorce? One of the most powerful aspects of Feng Shui is the ability to use intention to shift life. Once you’re clear about a desire, choose a symbol … Read more

Keeping Kids Out of the Middle

by Nancy Wesson Reprinted from divorce360, April 2008 My ex and I have three lovely children.  As a mediator, can you suggest how we keep from putting the children in the middle and making them feel like pawns, as I have seen happen with some of our friends?    Excellent question and one that goes … Read more

New Romance: How Your House Can Help

by Nancy Reprinted and updated from Divorce 360, 2008 I’ve been divorced for six months and am not remotely interested in another romantic relationship at this point.  Should I be concerned that the relationship area of my house is missing and if so, how can I correct it? Your Relationship to Yourself In the practice … Read more