The Mouse Who Prefers Dark Chocolate…

“We have a mouse,” the text from my housemate says…. “Have you named it?”  I reply. “Skid.” “Did you or did he – skid, that is?” I asked.   At the time I was half-way through my first solo bus ride back to Gulu.  I mention “solo” because I had been dreading this – we all dread travel.  … Read more

Apple tarts… and Apple parts

It finally happened…  after a pretty decent day yesterday which started with a hike across town for a Cappuccino and an apple tart (or a reasonable facsimile thereof) my trusty Mac (called a dinosaur by some – its being a 2008 version) was put on life support today and has rallied with a cable transplant … Read more

Roosters – somehow…

Everything around here is just different – even things that would appear somehow the same – as in the language, which is English, but different somehow.  Even the word somehow takes on meaning that is uniquely Ugandan – meanings almost, about, the-same-but-not-really, sometime, maybe, your-guess-is-as-good-as-mine, makes-no-sense etc.  So everyday, there’s a bit of something that just … Read more

Water, water no where – and not a drop to drink

Well that’s not entirely true…. there IS water, sometime, but it has been cause for some minor panic.  “Water is finished – again,” as they say and we are back to hauling it in.  At one point, there was even a run on drinking water sold in the ubiquitous plastic bottles.    When we couldn’t … Read more

Feelings and other honesties…

Some days not much happens here – and that would be a plus.  Everyone, including supervisors has been in a pissy mood because of the heat.  A friend mentioned to me that I talk a lot about what is happening over here, but not much about how I FEEL.  Well, that’s complicated – and because … Read more

Back in the land of heat and dust

Aaaaah – Gulu Town.  I remember this.  Hot, dusty, noisy, dirty – but temporarily “home” nevertheless.   Most of us have left the surrounds of IST and points in between and have returned “home.” Climbed on a Homeland Bus this morning and landed a decent seat thanks to another PCV who called ahead and reserved! … Read more

A loko leb Acholi ma nok nok…

“I speak Acholi a little…”   And at least well enough to pass the second round of testing.  It was about as badly handled as something like that can be – our language trainers being the only bright spot in an otherwise dark journey.  The whole remaining group of 40 (one more has been Medically … Read more

What Fresh Hell Is This?

It was a day like any other – somehow, except that it started in Kampala.    I awoke at 5:30 AM, not to the Call to Prayer this time or roosters, but courtesy of the hotel cleaning staff. This morning’s  headache from the three sips of beer  (it’s hell getting old) I’d had the night … Read more