NOT “Ratatouille”

Saturday – I’ve been up officially since 5:30 AM having been tripping in and out of sleep most of the night.  That’s why I love Costco’s Sleep Aid (which I brazenly declined last night) – I can sometimes get through the night without hearing each new chorus of activity from God knows where – that’s … Read more

The Stockholm Syndrome…

I think I’m slipping into the abyss…  I am beginning to enjoy – or a least be able to laugh about – some of the chaos of Kampala.  Help me.  It must be the Stockholm Syndrome – isn’t that the one where abductees begin identifying with their captors?   I’ve been working at PC HQ … Read more

Of Cow Tales and Cocks

In the absolutely random world we know as Peace Corps the odd or merely unusual is not far from our doorstep.  Sometimes, it is ON the doorstep, but not this time.    These are mostly tales of cows with a rooster thrown in for good measure.  The cows here in Uganda are unusual; except for the … Read more

But What Are You DOING There???

Yes – I know a long silence. I have returned from Kampala where I spent almost a week organizing PC headquarters after attending a Train-the-Trainer workshop.   Arranged the Country Director’s Office, Reception and the PCV lounge, where volunteers do research,  have access to computers, generally hang-out when they’re here for medical or anything administrative. … Read more

Random Acts of Kindness

Hi folks – Happy Mother’s Day!  Sitting in a web-cafe in Kampala and have – at long last – been able to get sufficient internet connectivity to upload some new pictures.  These are of the Gulu house, accessed through this heavy gate, which is locked at night.  I know some of you are picturing me … Read more

You want me to do WHAT with that?

Aaaaah – rain AND real Mexican food.  Life is sometimes good in Uganda.  Tonight several of us were invited to dinner by an ex-PCV, returned as a USAID employee.  We suggested our version of Mexican food:  you know beans cooked by Happy Nest (none of us has enough propane to cook beans for 4 hours), … Read more

The River of Ants

Raining….  Glorious long, slow rain foretold by black skies and great gusts of wind, accompanied by rolling thunder.   We’ve had a lot of this and at some point I will tire of it, but it takes me back to the excited anticipation of hurricanes in Louisiana and the quickening of my pulse when the … Read more

Owls, Jesus and Miss Uganda

It’s been one of those “interesting” days.  Just about the time the unusual (hauling water, living by candle light, smacking white ants, flushing with bath water…) becomes usual, something comes along that tweaks the senses – or the sensibilities.    A little of both drifted by today.  The first came after picking up a package at … Read more