A Week in the Rear View Mirror

Saturday, August 4th – our one-year-in-country mark, is now disappearing behind us and just a memory in the rear-view mirror.  That much anticipated anniversary passed without the marching band (which will march for almost any occasion) parading through the streets and no one celebrated our year of survival, tears, friendship and laughter but us.   … Read more

Peace Camp

Every Year, some Peace Corps Volunteers put on what is called Peace Camp, one of several camps sponsored by Peace Corps through the year.    The goal is to work with young people who have been impacted by the war that raged here for 20 years, ending only in 2008.  Young men and women, from four … Read more

UFO’s and Odd Ramblings

Back in Gulu and readjusting to the constant noise and the oddities of place.  When I was burglarized I re-arranged my room in a not very Feng Shui way to thwart anyone else who thought they might reap the rewards of using a 20-foot pole to  explore my room.  I haven’t liked it since, nor … Read more

Living with the Power of Choice

For whatever it may offer, here’s a copy of the piece I  The Humanitarian Press chose to publish.  “Although I have written other books and articles in my role as a business owner and personal productivity coach, this piece is written from my current perspective as a Peace Corps Volunteer serving in Northern Uganda in … Read more

A Walk Through Kampala

Once again I am  “footing” through the streets of Kampala to buy my bus ticket for the ride back into Gulu tomorrow.  What always strikes me, now that I am not “fearing” and have extra attention simply to observe, is the contrast of sights, sounds and emotions that assault the senses. In case you’d like … Read more

Of Pigs and Cats and Goats

This past week has been a combination of lovely and sometimes comical  happenings that have been unexpected but welcomed.  I left the lovely town of Gula for Kampala after splashing through the dark and the rain to catch the 7 AM Post Bus last Monday.   It was a decent ride and I sat by a … Read more


Leavings never get easier…  In the insane cacophony of this particular Sunday morning – which started off nicely enough with a slow rain, the soft patter having been rudely replaced by a trio of workers descending onto my front porch with all the gear to “slash” the grass – my good friend Karla has left … Read more

The Continuing Saga: Rat -1, Nancy – 0

I am sad to say that the animal rights people will be celebrating the unsuccessful termination of one rat, said to have met its demise at the time of the last post.  I celebrated prematurely it would seem.  I left the house to shop and allow the rat time to stop its thrashing before I … Read more