The Last Mango Tree in Entebbe?

It’s the last day in Uganda.  “How to spend it,” was my first question – now beginning to be fully aware and a little panicked that I’ve missed something!  Well – of course I have – but most of it is too late to capture now – so I’ll have t be satisfied with small … Read more

An Eclipse before Leaving: Ring of Fire

It’s 4:30 AM on the next to last night in Gulu.  I’ve been awake since 1:30 – the pre-leaving middle of the night “what-ifs” have jolted me awake.  Last night I dreamed I was at the airport and not one, but two groups of little Ugandan school kids had taken all the seats available on … Read more

Fixin’ to Get Ready –

As I began writing this, the power was off and I sat in an almost empty house in the soft glow of candlelight. It’s a memory I’ll have forever.  To keep it from getting spooky, I spaced tea-candles in the hall offering little puddles of light from living room to bedroom.  I loved it! And … Read more

Foolishness: The Egg and I

The following is the truth – nothing but the truth – so help me Gulu:   It’s going on two weeks without eggs in Gulu and it will be another week before egg delivery.  Somewhere I suppose there were eggs hiding out in small clutches – there are certainly chickens.  Perhaps they are on strike. … Read more

Lighter Fare and Random Tales

After the gloom and doom of the last blog, I thought I’d send along some lighter fare and in the way that the universe sometimes colludes with humans, a story delivered itself as I walked to work this morning.  Gulu in the morning – no that is not a song title – is filled with … Read more

We’ve been “sleeping around.” Zanzibar and COS

I’ve been sleeping around….   Now that I have your attention, I’m baaack from “sleeping around,” the Ugandan expression for having been traveling and sleeping somewhere else…So yes, I’m happy to say I’ve been “sleeping around” in the wonderful world of sand and sea, blue waters, seafood, fresh breezes, pina-coladas, shopping and reading under the … Read more