Must have hit a chord…

Hey everyone, Thanks for all your FB comments.  Boy, ya mentioned slicing off the jewels and folks take notice.  Richard, you are correct about the Feng Shui positioning of piglets.  That certainly should be in the next book.  And Agi, that doesn’t surprise me about your learning ALL those things and more in rural Hungary … Read more

And then there were pigs…

OK – are you sitting down? Not eating or drinking anything you may choke on when you finish gasping or laughing?  Then you’re ready.   Today we learned to castrate piglets.  Well, to be honest I can’t say we really LEARNED it – that would imply that we had opportunity to practice it and that … Read more

Food and other conversations…

Food is a constant source of comment here.  As you might imagine, food is different.  The good news is Uganda has a rich growing environment.  The bad news – for us anyway – is that it’s mostly root vegetables.  A traditional Ugandan meal consists of:  white potatoes, yams (yes – both in the same meal), … Read more

Muzungu…. Welcome to Homestay

Hello from the middle of Africa!  And in case you’re wondering, “Muzungu” is what white people or foreigners are called, both with affection by children and not-so-much by the Boda-Boda drivers.  Boda-bodas are screaming-wild motorcycle taxi’s that Peace Corps Muzungus are not allow to ride for fear of death or being termindated from PC – … Read more

Stretching the umbilical….

Already feeling disconnected.  That gasping sound you heard last night was my cell phone breathing its last breaths before AT&T cut service at midnight.  I felt immediate panic, but got in a few last minute calls.  Oh nooooooo!  Deep breathing was required.  The umbilical is thinning……    Still have e-mail for another day.  Let’s get … Read more

Whew! Closing One Door, Opening the Next…

Well – it’s here.  The night before leaving.  What a fire drill!  I can’t believe how much help has been offered, given and ever-so-gratefully received.  It really does take a village to get someone out the door to Peace Corps.  Closing down the accumulated possessions and detritus of 63 years is daunting.  Add to that … Read more

Fixin’ to get ready

In Louisiana there is an expression, “Fixin’ to get ready.”  You’re not really actually getting ready you’re just getting ready to get ready.  so the house is getting packed up – as it has been for the last several months as I think about it.  But this is in earnest and in preparation for the … Read more

Musings on leavings

I have left many times – left places I’ve made a footprint, a home, a community.  In the 60’s I left Louisiana behind for school in Texas   In the early 70s I quit a husband and a perfectly good job and went to North Africa. In the late 70’s I left an administrative job … Read more