And Saturday it rained

It seems light years away today, but the evidence is still there so I know I wasn’t smoking anything interesting or hallucinating.  It rained!  There are huge mud holes and I’ve never been so happy to walk around a pond in the middle of the road. I have been assured that dry season is NOT over, don’t get excited – that won’t happen until April I am warned.  But Saturday IT RAINED.  I awoke a rush of white noise  Oh NO!  Another fan melt-down??? Well – at least I had it through the night.  I turned it off and the sound continued.  Rain?  No – not possible.  It’s the DRYYYYYYY Season.  I had to go stand outside in it to convince myself it wasn’t just ash or some other toxic stuff shushing on the tin roof.  Being rained on never felt so good, but relax, I did not break into strains of “Singing in the Rain.”  So I made coffee and sat blissfully on the porch – actually giddy with excitement.

And then it rained again that night.  So there is a small respite from the dust.  And in an act of pure celebration I took out the puzzle Evie sent me with a note saying “a little piece of Texas.”  And so it is! When I started taking it out of the plastic bag, I could see hints of Bluebonnets and sunset.    Oooooh yes!  Thank you again Evie 😉  So I have been recreating a photograph cum puzzle of the Texas Hill Country, which is absolutely indescribable in the spring – if there’s been any rain over the winter.  There’s that word again – rain.

It’s been that kind of a weekend.    Other issues loom:  I have to devote most of the coming week to dealing with the tooth.   It means walking in the dark (not advisable) to catch the 7:00 bus to Kampala.  Getting there at 5:45 should assure me a seat, but not necessarily.   Then dealing with the bus park IN Kampala (think hornet’s nest) and hiking back to where ever it is I will stay.  Then the whole tooth thing and spending another day getting back.  Walking again in the dark (even more inadvisable in Kampala) to get to the return bus…     Travel is such an issue here.

Then there is the housemate leaving, having decided unilaterally to live elsewhere with three lovely young women.  Let’s see live with your :”mom” or three sweet young things…..   Hmmmm.  Well – all for another day.  Today there is a puzzle and a good mystery to help avoid reality.  And I’m taking advantage of both.  And – one piece of chocolate remaining and some really fine dark-roast decaf (thank you Vic).