Well – I’m almost there – relatively speaking.  After 28 months, what’s another  two days? Right?  Left Gulu amid a flurry of last minute activity – two days of goodbyes, giving things away, packing and re-packing.  Had a small congratulations party for Peter for finishing his PLE exams and blessedly got a ride to Kampala and avoided the bus!  Made it in a record 6 hours!

The Saturday before leaving my LABE friends gave me a beautiful going away party that was so thoughtfully put together I was deeply honored and moved.   They are dear friends and it’s not real yet that I won’t see them again – unless I somehow made it back to Uganda…  It is completely surreal to think that I’ve created a life here and in two days life will shift dramatically and I’ll have running water and lights on demand, not to mention all the hubbub that goes with re-entry and the excitement of seeing old friends.  I’m excited to be coming home but part of my heart will always be here. And I think that’s as it should be.

There have been many re-turns to places I started.  My going-away party was at Happy Nest Motel, where I stayed when I first came to site visit 27 month ago.  And on the way out I’m saying in the same room, in the same hotel in Entebbe where the kids and I stayed when they came to visit.  When I walked in, the staff said “welcome back,” and I was surprised they remembered.  But that’s the way Ugandans are –   they remember.  One night here to unwind after two days of signing out at PC HQ.
I’ve yet to process all this. I’ve simply been going through check lists to get everything in order before leaving.   That’s a bit frustrating, because I know some of that  has numbed me from being fully present with people I am leaving.  Some, no doubt, was self-protection, because leaving here feels enormous and while there are frustrations I will not miss, there is gentleness,  authenticity and caring that tug at the heart..  Hopefully, I can hold on to some of that in the way I live life in a more complicated world.  
I feel like I’ll have to learn to speak regular English again – I’ve been speaking Uganglish for so  long.  So those of you who will see me in the flesh, just bear with me when I ask, “What food is there,”   And “He didn’t do what?  and… and… and…   And kindly remind me I don’t have to take everything I own with me when I walk out the door – no need for TP, hand sanitizer, umbrella, flashlight,  book (for waiting…) etc.
OK – I’m rambling, rather distracted,  mentally cluttered and W-A-I-T-I-N-G.   Time to close.
Texas here I come! Almost…