Boosting Your Immunity: A Bag of Tricks

A friend, years ago, told me I have a tendency to use ten words where three will do, and I plead guilty: I like words and their nuances. And some of the information I work with seems very esoteric (taking a lot of words to explain…), but has extremely practical, real world ramifications (not so … Read more

Confessions of a Tygh Valley Weed Wrangler

Still catching up her as the last snow of the season falls.   I am acclimating it seems, because I wished for this snow!  This, my third winter, was very mild and I found I missed the magical quality of snow, as someone who has not lived in it her entire life can say.But to … Read more

Been A While

Hello my friends. For those of you still reading, thank you for hanging in there.  For new friends, thank you for welcoming me into your lives.  I’m lovin’ my life in Maupin, and still learning how to be an Oregonian; new survival gear is involved: snow boots, rafting gear, ice cleats. Skills to out-smart and … Read more