But What Are You DOING There???

Yes – I know a long silence. I have returned from Kampala where I spent almost a week organizing PC headquarters after attending a Train-the-Trainer workshop.   Arranged the Country Director’s Office, Reception and the PCV lounge, where volunteers do research,  have access to computers, generally hang-out when they’re here for medical or anything administrative. … Read more

Random Acts of Kindness

Hi folks – Happy Mother’s Day!  Sitting in a web-cafe in Kampala and have – at long last – been able to get sufficient internet connectivity to upload some new pictures.  These are of the Gulu house, accessed through this heavy gate, which is locked at night.  I know some of you are picturing me … Read more

You want me to do WHAT with that?

Aaaaah – rain AND real Mexican food.  Life is sometimes good in Uganda.  Tonight several of us were invited to dinner by an ex-PCV, returned as a USAID employee.  We suggested our version of Mexican food:  you know beans cooked by Happy Nest (none of us has enough propane to cook beans for 4 hours), … Read more