Kot Mwaka Maber! or Happy New Year

The closest translation to that is Happy New Year and as it turns out New Year’s Eve is THE big celebration of the year.  And frankly celebrating the birth of 2012, which is supposed to be a momentous year in evolutionary and spiritual terms, in Uganda is a bit surreal.  I keep thinking I should … Read more

Magical Coincidences

First of all – it is NOT raining…  just thought I’d clear that up.  But certainly it is getting ready to – nice overcast skies – perfect for sitting outside as I hobbled (less obviously, but still enough to attract comment due crutches and new blue) to the Kabira Country Club again to enjoy another … Read more

Looking Back and Moving Forward

It’s 5-something o’clock in the morning in my room at the Bukoto Guest House tucked down a nearly impassable road in Kampala and the music is still blaring from a club on the main road. Nightclub noise is ubiquitous  – the only place I have not felt the throbbing of bass or the pounding, repetitive … Read more

Musings of a Deranged Mind

Well I think I may have been at medical too long…  I know this, because everyday when I come in and sit down on the comfy black Naugahyde couch and put my hoof up and await the process of  re-bandaging, the random comments one hears range from “Hey, howyadoin? Get those test results back? No?”  … Read more

Reprieve – Sort of

Good news abounds.  First my foot and mobility have improved to the point that I can move to a location where I have to fend for myself.  Now how is this good news….  The care I have received at the hands of Nurse Betsy has surpassed any care I have received anywhere.   She is … Read more

Real Chili

Written on Saturday.  Sitting here with my hoof up – as one friend has called it,  I’m listening to the wind rustle and the first spattering of rain.   Soon I’ll make an effort to get presentable for dinner with the Country Director of Peace Corps, a rare treat. What to wear – I’ve brought … Read more

Demonic Tea Kettles

So catching up…  To those of you who noticed that I have “been lost,” thank you.  And the story is: Somehow I have managed to avoid the ordinary things that bring one to medical in Peace Corps Uganda:  Malaria, Diarrhea, Falls, Mango Flies, Tsetse Flies….   Yet I have been in Kampala Medical since Saturday receiving … Read more